I received a wonderful e-mail from @tasoo on Twitter (follow her, she knows things about people just by touching their avatars) and she has some really great ideas for her three tasks, which she kindly permitted me to share with the rest of you. Behold the greatness below:
Asalaamu alaikum
Firstly, I'm thrilled to be part of this, its a fabulous idea. My three changes are
1. Community-joined Sister 4 Sister campaign. I am paired with a student from Baitul Ilm and we will be completing a task a week together until Eid. We sent off our 'getting to know you' letters today, and tasks will include things like feeding a fasting or needy child and praying for each other. We will then get to meet each other on the last iftaar insha Allah.
2. Environment-well these were ideas I had before I read about your FFC project. I have bought fabric to make shoppers, really nice ones in funky colours. Now I'm just battling to find someone to sew them for me. The idea is to empower a person who does not have a job or needs a supplementary income - its not easy, but I know I will get there. And I'm also starting a herb an veg garden to promote healthy eating and also save some dosh :)
3. Spiritual-a para a day (not easy with 2 kids) and my 4 year old wants to be taught 'how to write quraan'. My goal this year is to spend an hour alone every day and think only about Allah and why I'm fasting.
Will keep you updated
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