Today I popped on over to the Sultan Bahu Masjid in Mayfair to have a chat with the imam, Maulana Mahomed Aslam Suliman, who is generally an all-round cool and likeable fellow (I should know, since he performed my nikah a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…). Oh, and just as an aside, I don’t follow any particular madhab, I just appreciate religious organisations such as this one for the good work that they do in the community.
He was pleased to hear of the Fasting For Change initiative and happily filled me in on the events the masjid has got planned for the upcoming month of Ramadan as follows:
* Distribution of 500 food hampers to the needy
* Haleem distribution every Saturday during Ramadan between 3 to 5 p.m.
* Iftaar food distributed to approximately 300 men every night in Ramadan
* L’tikaaf program for approximately 30 men – sehri and iftaar meals provided
* Food hampers are also made by the learners at the Sultan Bahu Madressah and given out at a special assembly during Ramadan
* The Sultan Bahu Centre also runs a children’s home for approximately 25-30 orphaned children from a wide range of ages and family backgrounds, and clothing donations are welcome for these kids, as well as any other initiative we might want to take to fill their lives with a little more love and attention.
* Appa Zaybun runs revert classes every Saturday between 10am and 12pm, any enquiries regarding helping out that particular class of ladies can call 011 837 6185.
As far as helping us out with our spiritual task, Maulana Aslam suggested that we check out some of the special programmes being held during Ramadan which include the following:
* Q&A session with Ml. Aslam every Sunday after Zuhr salaat
* Talks and lectures held every night (for the men only, unfortunately) in the last ten nights of Ramadan after Taraweeh.
The Maulana and his team at the Sultan Bahu Centre do lots of good work, so if you are thinking of helping out with any of the above initiatives, please contact him on 011 839 2025.
If anyone knows of any other special talks or programmes being held anywhere in Johannesburg, Durban or Cape Town that Fasting For Change participants can attend – especially those that include or are specifically geared towards ladies - please put the details up on our Facebook page.
I can't access Facebook - so I'll paste it here. This one is in Cape Town, but isn't specifically targeted to women:
In anticipation of the approaching month of forgiveness, mercy, and multiplied reward, Shabaab li-ajl Al-Quds and the MSA of the Cape will be hosting a pre-Ramadhan program entitled "RAMADHAN IGNITION" at Musjid Al-Quds in Gatesville (Cape Town), on Friday 25th Sha'baan 1431H (corresponding with 6th August 2010).
The program will feature a talk by Sheikh Riyaadh Walls, and we have invited the world renowned recitor of the Holy Qur'an, Sheikh Abubakr Al-Shatri, who is currently visiting South Africa, to lead us in four raka'at of
Qiyaamul-layl (night salaah).
This program provides an ideal opportunity to get focussed on taking maximum benefit of the blessed days which lay ahead of us.
The program is open to all, and. it's FREE :) "
Also, Darun Naim Institute in Cape Town has several women's programmes coming up over the next few weeks.
The contact number I have for them is: 021 762 2808
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